Words to Live By...
February 13, 2011
New Blog & New RSS Blog Feed. Please Update Your Subscription
If you have not seen the new website, please visit at www.LVWeddingConcierge.com/blog.
Thank you to all those who follow my blog as subscribers and I appreciate your support so very much.
I would appreciate if you would visit the new blog and update your subscription to the new blog feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/lvweddingconciergeblog.
There are RSS buttons and a new email subscription box to update and get all the latest from the new and improved Diary of a Las Vegas Wedding Concierge: The Blog Celebrating Love, Life & Style.
See you at the new site and thank you!
January 3, 2011
Goodbye to the old blog and hello to a new chapter in the "Diary of a Las Vegas Wedding Concierge"!
Today I am closing this chapter and closing this blog and moving to a brand new home right on the Las Vegas Wedding Concierge website.
Please visit my new blog home at www.LVWeddingConcierge.com/blog and bookmark the new site.
I look forward to seeing you at the new improved blog and I'm ready to welcome you to open the first page.
Celebrate today and everyday with Love, Life and Style!
December 17, 2010
Looking for Stylish Wedding Shoes? Try and TRUMP these!

Your Las Vegas Wedding Concierge is all about shoes!
A girl can NEVER have TOO MANY shoes and that's just a fact of life as far as I'm concerned.
And what is that ultimate "Cinderella" pair themselves? . . . your wedding shoes of course!
They certainly don't have to be glass slippers, but your wedding shoes definitely must be stylish, compliment your wedding gown and be comfortable to dance the night away in. Your Las Vegas Wedding Concierge will have none of this "flip flop" sandal business please and thank you. A great alternative though is a pretty pair of ballet flats!
I am so impressed with the new shoe collection from Ivanka Trump, who has now created sexy, stylish and affordable footware that take you from the office to a weekend getaway, the "Red Carpet" to the ultimate runway . . . your wedding aisle!
The "White" collection appeals to the classic bridal look but is hardly traditional with sexy styles like "Aluvia, Asteria, the lace inspired "Diamund" and the satin wrap "Dermani". However, for all you daring brides who want to show off, don't be afraid to rock one of these styles in a hue that gives a whole new meaning to "Something Blue".
Whatever style you choose, do purchase your shoes early enough to have them with you for your final gown fittings, to give you enough time to break them in and practice wearing them so you feel completely beautiful and assured when you slip them on on your wedding day to walk towards your groom.
I do believe I have another item to add to the holiday wish list;)!!
Celebrate Today and Everyday with Love, Life & Style!
December 9, 2010
Think (Pantone Honeysuckle) PINK for 2011 Weddings

Here is the description of the color from Pantone . . .
A Color for All Seasons "Courageous. Confident. Vital. A brave new color, for a brave new world. Let the bold spirit of Honeysuckle infuse you, lift you and carry you through the year. It’s a color for every day – with nothing “everyday” about it."
Whether it's cakes, gowns, dresses, stationery, ties, makeup, floral and decor, linens and more, the wedding world is blushing (pink of course) and gushing over this lovely, cheery shade that radiates optimism for the future that is celebrated with marriage.
I love the use of "Honeysuckle Pink" in this style board "My Personal Artist", Michelle Mospens, has created and allowed me to share with you. It pairs it with "beeswax yellow" and "coral rose orange" (I just love the names these colors get...so delicious sounding).

Here I have paired honeysuckle pink, beeswax yellow, and coral rose orange. Remember, when creating your color combination know that you may not be able to find the perfect “honeysuckle pink” to match the color you see online. Don’t fret a hue in the same color family will work perfectly for your big day. Remember to have fun and mix it up a bit. A dash of light pink here and there are lovely too. Look for many more inspiration boards to come! Enjoy!!-Michelle
Michelle's website and blog are filled with beautiful color inspirations, invitation styles and ideas for you to dive into as well as expert advise on selecting color palettes for your wedding style and more.
And though I am usually all about the turquoise (2010 Color of the Year by the way and still going strong)...
Today I am celebrating PINK on my blog with Love, Life & Style! It compliments the gray beautifully, don't you agree?
Want to read more online about this topic?
From the Wall Street Journal: The New Hue for 2011