Words to Live By...


February 22, 2007

Why you should not hire an iPod to play at your wedding

Dear Brides and Grooms,
The time has come for selecting your wedding reception entertainment!
This is probably one of the most fun aspects of your wedding planning because it's all about the party (woo-hoo) and what you and your guests are probably looking forward to the most..having a wonderful time and dancing the night away! And for this reason, in my opinion, your choice of entertainment and style is one of the most important (if not the most) decisions you will make that is the difference between a good party and a truly memorable one for all.

And so dear readers, here is Your Las Vegas Wedding Concierge's plea. 

Please Do not hire an iPod to play at your wedding!

I will be the first person to tell you that I am positively addicted to my iPod! I carry it everywhere and close to needing a second one. I show clients slideshows on a special i-Pod dock, I turn them on to the Wedding Podcast Network for planning ideas & I always have my iPod & portable player in my emergency kit at weddings (with ceremony & reception music playlists) for "emergencies". However, I will never refer my clients to an iPod (or their kin) as their 1st choice for their reception entertainment.

Now you may be thinking this is so I can keep my DJ and wedding band friends in business. Although it's true that I certainly want my fellow wedding professionals to do well, this is not about their livelyhood, it's about the success of YOUR party and one of the reasons you choose a Las Vegas wedding...keeping it stress and hassle free for you and your guests!
  • In hiring an iPod for your wedding, someone,(not your iPod) will have to rent the proper sound system and equipment to play the device so that it is appropriate for the size and space of your event.
  • When you hire an iPod, you still have to enlist the volunteer assistance of one of your friends to "babysit" it when the volume needs to be turned down for toasts, playlists to be changed, or the device may have technical difficulites. Wouldn't you rather your "techie friend" was out there on the dance floor with you having a good time doing "the Robot" instead of worrying about what song is coming up next or fiddling with the wires?
  • Did the iPod you hired bring a backup iPod or CD's in the event of technical difficulties?
  • Your iPod really should come dressed in a different outfit and come as your laptop instead with iTunes and all your playlists at hand so the iPod babysitter can manipulate the music choices better. Are you going to enjoy shlepping your laptop and cables with you to Vegas along with all your other belongings? Are you sure everything will work with the equipment you are renting?

I am sure, smart readers that you are getting the picture that, as cool you think hiring an iPod is for controlling the style and flow of your music and reducing costs, this "wedding vendor" will still cost you in money, stress and time.

  • Money that could be spent working with a professional band or DJ who will listen to you and play music that is a great mix of your style & the grooves that make a party fun and memorable for all the right reasons!
  • Stress that could be reduced in knowing that your wedding planner found you a professional entertainer who has all the right equipment, backup and the know how to set it all up. And you didn't have to lug any of it to Vegas yourself!
  • And the time...oh the time you will enjoy not running around getting the equipment, returning it because it won't work with your laptop or iPod like they said it would on the phone. The time you will get back with your iPod babysitter and iPod MC's so you can enjoy their company (which is why you wanted them there in the first place!).

An absolutely amazing way to include your iPod in your wedding is to have your photographer download digital images on site at your wedding to create a slideshow that can be played instantaneously and loaded on to your iPod to take with you on your honeymoon. Now that is COOL!

So, bring your iPod to Vegas, plug it in the MP3 radio in your hotel room, enjoy it at the pool and spa, but then give it the night off for your wedding reception. Your iPod will appreciate the break while you and your guests enjoy the night partying with the real professional music makers!

Have a Stylish Day!

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